Wednesday, November 19, 2008

thank You for these twenty one years.

dear God.

thank You for always loving me despite my despites.

thank You for being my rock & my salvation.

thank You for blessing me with a perfectly wonderful family who loves me so much.

thank You for blessing me with the bestest friends in the entire world.

thank You for giving me the opportunity to study overseas and gaining that piece of scroll.

thank You for the job I have now and the job I'm hopefully going to get.

thank You for a childhood filled with laughter and fond memories.

thank You for giving me the chance to experience both the bitter and sweet ..

thank You that during my lowest moments, You proved to be nearer than ever.

thank You for Your grace that so abounds in my life.

thank You for bringing me thus far.

thank You for these twenty one years, Lord.

and I pray that You'll continue to hold my hand through the many years to come.

my birthday breakie @ south kitchen, bruce

roomie's special treat for me
after dinner on the 13th

dinner outing + night of singstar & wii with my hotstuffs.

thank you everyone for celebrating my twentyfirst with me and for making it so special :) especially with the fateful date sandwiched in between your exam papers. love you guys heaps.

and to the other november babies.

happy belated birthday to all you beautiful people :) twenty one year olds and the twenty three year old .. may the years ahead be full of joy, laughter & love.

cheers to celebrating only the beginning.

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