Wednesday, April 30, 2008

that final lap.

after all these years. i am down to that final 5 more weeks before i finish all my undergrad subjects and subsequently *throw my hat in the air. i can hardly believe 3 years have passed me by. filled with bittersweet memories. very eventful indeed.

3 years i would never trade for any other.
i know i'll be even more emo as the countdown gets nearer. so i won't start now. otherwise it won't be as dramatic :)

on a lighter note. i finally tried out that nice-looking restaurant beside Sammy's in Civic. Cream. i think that's its name. while waiting for our meal, i told the roomie 'eh, like all the people who eat here all old people only". the waiter called us 'girls'. anyway.. i wanted to try that Duck Risotto that *ongdoodah talked about.

let's just say i prefer the Pad Thai below :)
both in terms of presentation and overall taste.

very rich hot chocolate at Koko Black
courtesy of chuahaijet

and roomie's humongous ice chocolate

sigh. she wasn't posing.

she was really sick of me taking pictures.

off to bed now :) nights.

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