Tuesday, May 6, 2008

tissue consuming.

i made the roomie follow that jap series '1 litre of tears' with me and we've been watching it over these two weeks. i know some of you all are going 'omg finally' :) it's been in my hard disk for awhile. i mean the title tells it all. and i remember sweets telling me when she was watching it. .

"it's really one litre of tears. . "

i thought i was prepared. omg. no. i have not watched a show that requires tissues from episode ONE. it's so sad la. i think the fact that it's based on a true story makes it even sadder. thank God it's only 11 episodes, i think. i've got 2 more to go. my eyes are still hurting from watching 2 episodes in a row just now.

*heehe. i just got to the part where the guy confesses his feelings for her. and she's losing her ability to speak properly :( i'm gonna say it again. omg it's so sad la.

getting so very charming indeeed.
sweeets. i can imagine if you were here watching those scenes with me we'd be like screaming and *hitting the table hands up flying in the air* when he does all the omg-faint-so-sweet stuff *heehe.

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