Monday, May 19, 2008

rekindling that creative side.

it's been awhile since i patiently sat down, ransacked my stationary&craft supplies. . and created something. i used to. when i was much less of a bum. i loved cutting&pasting, punching paper flowers, colouring with my crayonspenscolourpencils & whoknowswhatelse. i enjoyed it. heaps. i remember i used to make loads of cards back in school. . and later on too, i think :) i'd stay up to the wee hours of the morning making all the cute lil cards (for valentines day or whatever day. u know how last time in school sangat main having all kinds of 'days' just so that the societies can make money from selling stuff). i opted to buy as the years went by cos' it was obviously much more convenient :p

so when a friend's bday cropped up recently.. another friend suggested a photo frame. and i thought :) 'why not?' the excited me drew up 2 draft designs and selected the one i preferred more. then, i got noisy and roomie's help in getting it done. more hands = less time!

our end product which we are actually quite happy with :) hoping the receiver thinks the same way! *haha

noisy: i stick flowers ya! :)

*goes on to punch lotsa flowers and cutting an even bigger one*

hehee. i missed all these artscraftcreativemaking nonsense. been looking thru lotsa ppl's ideas lately and even sat down at borders after work today, picking up a 'how to make a scrapbook' magazine under the crafts section *hehee.

i promise there will be more to come.


YANZ said...

woww... very very nice! =)
i used to LOVE doing such things too... sigh, too bad i gave it up... no time and TOO LAZY, hehehehe

* j * said...

hahah *high 5*. eh ya la i have this christmas bookmark for YF christmas party which was made by u in my bible :) which is very nice! hhaha i think i took two *lol