Monday, May 19, 2008

the third & final one.

the malaysian students org. had their annual 'biggest' event on Saturday. malam kenduri. which tickets every year never fail to be fully sold out. i guess.. for 5bucks. u get your money's worth. the food (this yr we had nasi briyani with satay, ayam masak merah *ithink*, vege curry) + observing the very interesting ways people dress up to suit the theme + the raffles draw *which i'm always never in luck of getting anything*.
sitting amidst the crowd of 200+ ppl i felt so old watching the 1st yrs do their thing on stage. most of whom i've never seen before :) also cos i've been so busy/antisocial that i've not been to any other mso event organised this yr. i was almost lazy to attend this one. but realised it'll be my final time attending malam kenduri. *haha like as if it's a BIG thing. but ya la. dah yang ter-final final.

*mr. ong&mr. koay bringing life to the table.

*no luck

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