Sunday, June 15, 2008

Proposition 1: There are Good People Around.

So it's the exam season and everyone's getting all stressed up. or not :) i just finished my HRM paper today & boy am i happy that it's over & done with. omg.

how do motivation theories such as the expectancy theory & goal setting theory influence rewards management?

what are the impacts of a high performance work practice?

i didn't even know what those terms meant till like 2 days before the exams :p so dry. so so dry. anyway. the weather over these past few days could not have contributed more to me feeling like indulging in a pack of chips & watching a nice chick flick or romantic comedy. no sun. no sunlight. rain. dark clouds. gloomy weather. how to studyyy. u tell me. how to studyy.

lack of choice proves to be a source of motivation.

anyway, this past week, roomie & i got some random acts of kindness by the people around us. & we appreciate it ALOT. hehe* we don't mind more random acts. but yeah. dearies kk & mabes felt that we weren't eating healthily. . thus me always falling sick & us losing weight. :D shush even if you don't agree. kk went on & on about how our diet regime (toast bread & biscuits) was not the healthiest of all. so he & his beloved decided to come over on Sunday night to cook us a delicious home-cooked healthy meal :) they came with a whole trolley bag of goods. *hehee. we had 4 dishes; ABC soup, omelette with 'lap cheong' & onions, brocolli & kk's specialty, minced patties. oh & watermelon for dessert. omg we were so full we couldn't move after dinner. we as in roomie & i. we looked like kids who haven't eaten decently for ages *haha.

thanks soo much for the delicious meal :D

then later in the week.. roomie's friend came by to drop off a box of strawberry cheesecake! :) the one i like alot alot. no reason. just to 'chia' us. hahah* even tho i didn't really know him. but now i do! lol :) eh people are so nice la. we still have some more left in our fridge (i hope) & the thot of having that cheesecake in our fridge already makes me happy :) thank you wei liang.

& so now. after taking a breakkk since my HRM paper this evening, i have to start with emarketing. hmm. or maybe tomorrow :)

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